International Affairs Management
The Address of Dr. Nicknam, Director-General of International Affairs, in the meeting of Dr. Einollahi with Heads of UN offices

The Address of Dr. Nicknam, Director-General of International Affairs, in the meeting of Dr. Einollahi with Heads of UN office
In the Name of God
Hello, and good morning.
Time flies. I am very pleased that the third bimonthly meeting is being held as we have already decided to have.
I would like to thank you all for accepting our invitation and participating in our meeting. The meeting is coincided with the auspicious occasion of the blessed ten days of Fajr (dawn) and the forty-third anniversary of the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran which is reminiscent of the valuable and prophetic leadership of its founder, Imam Khomeini (R.A), the bravery and sacrifices of precious martyrs, veterans and the proud nation of Islamic Iran. I take this opportunity to share with you happiness this great occasion, respected representatives of UN agencies.
It is a great chance that we are able to convene these series of meetings so far and hopefully future meetings with agenda of interested topics by you and us, and in the presence of relevant authorities from inside the Ministry and even outside if it is needed. For a better planning, I would like to request you to share with us your suggestions for the agenda along with a brief explanation about the subject and the specific angle that you would like and prefer to be presented and discussed. That would be also helpful if you provide us with a list of people to be invited to the meeting in personal or institutional capacity for your suggested topic or topics.
Other than our regular bimonthly meetings, I would like to make another suggestion to have another monthly meetings but this one participated by the representatives assigned by you. The second series of meetings namely expert meeting will be held every month. Just one month before with your meeting, heads of UN offices. This way gives us the opportunity firstly to discuss urgent issues, and secondly to prepare a good agenda for the heads of UN meetings and other preparations like necessary documents.
If you agree with the proposal, which would be nice to provide the name of your agency’s assigned person for expert meeting.