Deputy Minister of Health in Arak;
Providing Health services in the Markazi province higher than the average country

According to WebDa Markazi report, Dr. Alireza Raisi on the sidelines of the meeting with the executive committee of Arak University of Medical Sciences added " At visits from the border Health centers of Arak and other cities, fortunately we have seen the good performance of this area and show that the people on the outskirts of the city also benefit from Health services".
Referring to the fact that in the Health Sector Evolution program, the provision of free services to the periphery of the city is a priority, he said" Two issues are closely followed up at Health centers, and it is the identification of people with hypertension and diabetes who should be treated immediately".
"The provision of Health services on the periphery of the city and the access of people in these areas to health care is one of the achievements of the Islamic Republic in the 40 years, and these programs with Health Sector Evolution program have increased satisfaction among the people" he said .
Dr. Raisi continued "The healthcare facilities of Markazi province in different areas of non-communicable diseases such as blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and proper nutrition, and the province's index are higher than the average in a country".
Health deputy of Minister of Health and Medical Education noted during the implementation of the Health Sector Evolution, 109 Health and sanitation projects were launched in Markazi province, most of which have been put into operation.
At the end Dr. Raisi said that considering according to the appropriate indicators of Markazi province, it is hoped that in the future, the province will become one of the leading areas in the field of Health indicators and implementation of the family doctor system.
At the end Dr. Taher Ahmadi said that Arak University of Medical Sciences, with onset of Health Sector Evolution program, created and completed a hospital in Farahan city, a hospital in Khondab, a private hospital in Arak, and the second phase of the Ayatollah Khansari hospital with 100 beds have given to people.