International Affairs Office
The International affairs Council is the window of Arak University of Medical Sciences to the world.

Holding the second meeting of the University’s International Relations affairs, The second meeting of the International Relations Council, chaired by Dr. Seyed Mohammad Jamalian, President of Arak University of Medical Sciences, and Dr. Ashtiani, Secretary and the Vice Chancellor for Education, discussed the issues of internationalization of the university in various fields.
Dr. Seyed Mohammad Jamalian, stating that the progress in the field of the International affairs managing is very admirable and asked for internationalization in all fields, especially in attracting and expanding international education. He thanked Dr. Bahram Jalaei as the director of the International affairs managing and said that in the coming days, with the separation of the chart and the formation of the International affairs managing with the cooperation of other vice chancellors, we will see the arrival in the university's international goals. Dr. Ashtiani also spoke about the importance of the internationalization of education package from the perspective of the Deputy Minister of Education and announced the recruitment of foreign students in February, and for this purpose called for the creation of an integrated work in the university and society and all departments involved.
Dr. Jalaei, International affairs manager, while explaining the actions of the International affairs managing and ranking 14th in the internationalization package among about 70 universities and medical schools in the country, said that this growth is the result of comprehensive support of the International affairs managing. Then he explained the plans of the office in eighteen suggestions. It should be noted that the International affairs Council is formed periodically with the presence of the university’s president and vice chancellors and dean of schools, and all international decisions and policies of the university for the future are established in this council.