International Affairs Office

Holding Covid 19 national webinar in Markazi province

14 November 2020 | 00:09 Code : 13234 news
The Vice Chancellor for Research of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "We are proud to have hosted the National Corona Webinar on November 13th and 14th."
Holding Covid 19 national webinar in Markazi province

The Vice Chancellor for Research of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: "We are proud to have hosted the National Corona Webinar on November 13th and 14th." According to Webda Markazi, Dr. Alireza Kamali pointed out: The secretariat of the conference received about 68 articles from the early days of summer in this year to the end of October, which 50 of them were accepted, and 28 were in the form of posters and 22 in the form of speech that will be announced to everyone. He added: "The Covid-19 crisis has had high costs for human society, which is currently the priority of every society to manage and control this disease. Iran and our beloved province have made every effort to conduct research and provide appropriate solutions to take appropriate steps in controlling and managing this disease.”

He thanked and appreciated of the invited professors of the Ministry of Health, Professor Malekzadeh, Professor Shamsi, Professor Kabiri and Professor Zende Del, as the Vice Chancellor for Research of Semnan University of Medical Sciences Dr. Koukhaei, Professors of Arak University of Medical Sciences Dr. Hossein Sarmadian, Dr. Behzad Khansarinejad, Dr. Behnam Mahmoudieh, Dr. Abbas Alimoradian, Dr. Shayegan and especially the President of Arak University of Medical Sciences and the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing of the Islamic Azad University of Arak.

tags: The Vice Chancellor for Research COVID-19

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