International Affairs Office
Using consensus and research results in the Corona crisis

The President of Arak University of Medical Sciences said: The output of scientific conferences on the global crisis of Covid 19 can be a good solution for macro-policies.
According to Webda Markazi, Dr. Seyed Mohammad Jamalian in the national virtual conference of COVID 19, achievements, threats and opportunities ahead, which is organized by Arak University of Medical Sciences and Islamic Azad University for 2 working days, added: all researchers who provide solutions can present their results of their research and articles and extracting effective ideas in the management of this disease at the macro level.
He also continued to consider the performance of China, South Korea and Japan, in the appropriate management and control of this disease and said: all these countries in the discussion of quarantine, laboratory facilities, travel ban, identification and quarantine of patients and closed congestion has been able to control the disease well, although in Iran the existence of oppressive sanctions and economic pressures have not been ineffective in making decisions.