International Affairs Office
Failure to follow health protocols in people's homes and their ceremonies will be problematic

The President of Arak University of Medical Sciences, referring to the application of night traffic restrictions in the city, said: "Currently, the highest number of people infected with coronavirus is related to family gatherings and night parties for visiting , based on the application of traffic restrictions From 9 pm onwards, we are hopeful and believe that the restrictions on night traffic will also lead to a reduction in family periods. Dr. Jamalian pointed to the non-observance of health protocols in homes, and said: "Unfortunately, when one of the family members contracted Covid-19 disease, other family members pay little attention to the observance of protocols, which is the cause of conflict and the spread of the disease." Dr. Jamalian continued to express the duty of the people and the government in these difficult days of Corona and added: The duty of the people and govenment is to accept the crisis of Corona at first; Unfortunately, the perception of a part of the society is that Corona is a problem of the medical sciences and the field of health of the country and it should try to reduce it, and practically no organ has contributed to the field of health except talking.