Appreciation of Arak University of Medical Sciences for reducing percentage of primary cesarean section in Markazi province

Appreciation of Arak University of Medical Sciences for reducing percentage of primary cesarean section in Markazi province
According to monitoring program for promotion of natural childbirth and reduction of cesarean deliveries, Arak University of Medical Sciences, while gaining top and first rank in the country, was recognized as worthy of appreciation.
According to WebDa Markazi report, a letter of appreciation sent by Dr. Ghasem Jan Babaei, Treatment deputy of Health Minister, states" Achieving this important signifies the success of Arak University of Medical Sciences in achieving this goal, accurate and systematic planning and teamwork".
"This procedure is expected to continue at Arak University of Medical Sciences and also to achieve this goal, ie to promote natural childbirth, programs, patterns and creativity that have caused this important event, sent to relevant field in the Ministry to achieve bigger goals at the national level" he added.
He also pointed to the first rank of Arak Ghods hospital in epidural analgesia, medical analgesia delivery in the country and stated" performance of the center's colleagues is also commendable and admirable".
Dr. Jan Babaii mentioned that considering the importance of "Iman" system in monitoring natural childbirth promotion programs and other programs to promote maternal and infant Health and expecting accurate and complete registration of the system by all centers and effective supervision of universities, 100% performance of Arak University of Medical Sciences in this field is appreciated.
In the end he stressed" Since primary cesarean section index is considered as a level one measurement and one of the basic expectations in different axes of hospital accreditation, failure to reduce this index will have a direct impact on scoring and ranking hospitals".
It is worth mentioning that Arak University of Medical Sciences has been ranked in the country with 58.37% and 41.20% in the field of primary cesarean section and epidural analgesia (natural childbirth).